x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Sep 03, 2010 18:56
wardrobe: white, expression: crazy excited, faith: is adorable, wardrobe: zip up sweatshirt, damn girl: so cute when you're excited, wardrobe: tank top, hell yeah: i've become a wild thing, you are: so full of life, btvs: s3, type: gif, omg: squee!!, hair: straight, btvs: back in the day, face: ditzy but adorable, tv: btvs, hair: half down, damn girl: you light up the room
x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Jan 04, 2010 23:54
expression: pensive, tv: tru calling, type: episode still, episode: past tense, jewelry: necklace, hair: blonde highlights, tru: means business bitches, damn girl: those lips r so kissable, hell yeah: this is srs business, damn girl: you're so fine, wardrobe: tank top, makeup: is gorgeous, damn girl: check that cleavage, damn girl: why so serious?
x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Dec 16, 2009 17:18
hell yeah: im chillin on a windowsill, wardrobe: gray, wardrobe: capris, hair: straight, damn girl: work those curves, jewelry: bracelet, type: photoshoot, icu: looking all pensive, hair: down, wardrobe: brown, damn girl: been gorgeous all your life, wardrobe: tank top, damn girl: you got a donk, damn girl: check that cleavage
x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Nov 25, 2009 00:14
movie: bring it on, hair: braids, expression: crazy focused, pose: crazy dancing, missy: badass cheerleader, hair: crazy cute, wardrobe: tank top, wardrobe: gray, type: movie still, wardrobe: exercise apparel, hell yeah: i'm a cheerleader, damn girl: you're so ripped, icu: staring at her, wardrobe: black, hell yeah: i got those jazz fingers, damn girl: move that body
x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Oct 06, 2009 00:41
damn girl: evil never looked so good, oh shit: she's a cold bitch, wardrobe: white, faith: will shock the hell outta you, faith: will shut you up, hell yeah: i killed that guy, episode: bad girls, tv: btvs, hair: mostly straight, wardrobe: tank top, type: screencap, faith: evil days, buffy: better step off, 1998, faith: doesn't care what you think
x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Oct 02, 2009 16:16
icu: tryna hit it boy, wardrobe: white, hanging with: desmond harrington, type: promotional, wardrobe: jeans, damn girl: you make bruises look hot, shipping: jessie/chris, jewelry: necklace, movie: wrong turn, wardrobe: tank top, expression: it's the end of the world, hell yeah: i make dirty look good, oh no: she breaks my heart, type: movie still, makeup: au naturale, 2003, hair: down and curly
x_spikeaholic_x wrote in dushku_daily Sep 23, 2009 20:21
type: on set, wardrobe: white, hanging with: tahmoh penikett, tv: dollhouse, hell yeah: my name is on that chair, wardrobe: jeans, jewelry: earrings, hair: pinned back, jewelry: necklace, hair: half down, 2009, wardrobe: tank top, accessories: watch, shipping: echo/paul